About the Journal

"Mechanics and Technologies" Scientific Journal

ISSN 2308-9865

e-ISSN 2959-7994

Article publishing languages: Kazakh, Russian, English

Issue schedule: quarterly (4 times a year)

The certificate of registration: No.13521-Ж (2013/04/15)

The certificate of re-registration: No. KZ79VPY00113746 (2025/02/28)

Subscription index: 74714 (Kazpost - Postal service)

The publishing house: "Dulaty University Publishing House"

Founder аnd publisher: M.Kh. Dulaty Taraz University


The journal accepts manuscripts for publication in the following fields:

- Food Technology and Engineering (included in the Committee publications list);

- Light Industry Technologies (included in the Committee publications list);

- Construction Technologies (included in the Committee publications list);

- Chemical Technologies (included in the Committee publications list);

- Mechanics (solid аnd friable body, soils, liquids аnd gaseous mechanics);

- Mechanical Engineering;

- Transportation Technologies;

- Environmental Technologies;

- Reclamation аnd Irrigation Technologies;

- Information аnd Communication Technologies.


The journal is published under the "Regulations on Scientific Periodicals" (approved by the order of the M.Kh. Dulaty Taraz Regional University rector, No. 152 of 11/19/2020).

The journal complies with the requirements of GOST 7.5-98 "Journals, collections, information publications. Publishing design of published materials" and GOST 7.1-2003 "Bibliographic record. Bibliographic description. General requirements and rules of compilation". Certificate of NCSTE JSC


The "Mechanics аnd Technologies" journal abstracting in:

- Information Service for Physics, Electronics аnd Computing (INSPEC DIRECT), (UK)

- Russian Index of Science Citation RISC (Russia), IF2023 – 0.044

- Kazakhstani citation base KCB (Kazakhstan), IF2020 – 0.088).


The journal is integrated with the following systems:
- CrossRef (USA); 
- Digital Object Identifier (DOI), (USA);
- Open Journal Systems (OJS), (Canada); 
- Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE), (UK);
- Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ), (UK).


The journal is included in the list of publications of the Committee for Quality Assurance in the Field of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The journal is included in the 2-list of the Committee in the following fields (order No. 603, July 12, 2024):

- Construction Technologies;

- Light Industry Technologies;

- Chemical Technologies;

- Food Technologies and Engineering.


The journal has been published since 1994. The previous title of the journal was "Mechanics аnd Modeling of Technology Processes" a scientific-theoretical journal. It was published two times a year. Registration number: No.1193 (1993/11/23), No.560- Ж (1999/02/04), No.4244- Ж (2003/10/08).

In 2013 the journal was renamed the "Mechanics аnd Technologies" Scientific Journal.


